Falfurrias ISD

School Calender

School Calender
Articles on Technology
Staff Employed
Fun Stuff

Important Dates
8-14-05  Staff Meeting
8-15-05 First Day of School
9-05-05 Labor Day
9-11-05 Day of Rememberance
9-26-05 End of 1st 6-weeks
10-10-05 Columbus Day/ Waiver Day
10-31-05 Halloween Festival
11-07-05 End of 2nd 6-weeks
11-11-05 Veterans Day
11-18-05 Early Release
11-21- 28-05 Thanksgiving Holidays
12-16-05 Early Release
12-19-31-05 Christmas Holidays
1-01-06 New Years Day
1-05-06 Classes Resume
Watch for further important dates.